Attitudes towards the pandemic

Attitudes towards the pandemic


ALMOST A YEAR OF COVID-19: People around the world are still mobilized against the threat. However, potential problems are becoming more important.

New global research on attitudes towards the Coronavirus, conducted by Gallup International Association and Voices in Argentina in late 2020. The survey covers 47 countries worldwide and nearly 45,000 adult citizens wre interviewed, representing about 2/3 of the world's population. During 2020 GIA and Voices! monitored the development of population attitudes globally towards the pandemic.

Some findings of the study:

  • Approval received by governments for their handling of the COVID-19 pandemic is still high, but is slowly declining.
  • Compared to the previous wave, the threat of the disease is also considered important, however, it now appears as somewhat more exaggerated globally.
  • Travel restrictions are widely accepted as a means to combat the pandemic.
  • Attitudes towards vaccines are rather positive, although there are still significant doubts, which even predominate in some of the countries.
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