Cultural consumptions among Argentinians

6 out of 10 Argentinians consume TV series and movies one or more times a week while 1 out of 10 on internet or paid platforms such as Netflix.
The Social Research Centre (CIS) UADE - Voices! conducted a national public opinion study with the aim of analyzing the consumption of cultural goods and services in Argentina.
Some findings of the study:
- Half of Argentinians say they listen to music on the Internet.
- 4 out of 10 Argentinians produced some artistic activity last year.
- The preference for cultural activities at home predominates over the option of going out, especially among women.
- 36% of people use the Internet for cultural purposes at least once a week (whether to search for cultural information, to buy cultural products, or to read about culture).
- More than 6 out of 10 Argentinians say they have never been to a theatre, a public library, an opera, ballet or a dance show.