Drug trafficking and drug consumption in Argentina (2016)

The number of people who know places where drugs are sold has decreased.
The Social Research Centre (CIS) UADE – Voices!, in collaboration with OPRENAR, carried out a national public opinion study with the aim of analysing citizens' perceptions of different aspects related to drug trafficking and drug consumption.
Some findings of the study:
- 2 out of 10 Argentinians know places or people who sell drugs (22%). The comparison with the survey carried out in 2015 shows that knowledge of people or places where drugs are sold dropped by 5 percentage points: 27% was in 2015.
- About 4 out of 10 interviewees know people seriously affected by drugs.
- In terms of what measures are most appropriate to combat drug trafficking, the call for tougher laws is still the most mentioned: 4 out of 10 Argentines say so. However, it is warned that this alternative is losing consensus in relation to 2015.
- In the fight against drugs, the initiatives with the greatest consensus are those related to the "supply", and those which involve toughening measures against drug traffickers (half of the population says so).
- Drugs are considered the main cause of violence by 30% of Argentinians.