Opinions about different ways of birth: Natural childbirth & Ceasarean section
7 out of 10 Argentinians believe that women have the right to choose a caesarean section even without a medical recommendation.
Voices! Research & Consultancy presents the first public opinion survey that explores the population's view of caesarean section and natural childbirth. The survey was driven by a group of professionals who support women in pregnancy and upbringing, led by Vicky Segui and Mujer Integra and was declared of interest by the National Ministry of Health. This report was presented at the National Academy of Medicine during the International Week for Respecting Childbirth.
Some findings of the study:
- In a context where it prevails the perception that caesarean sections are increasing in the country and that this trend will continue increasing in the next 10 years, 8 out of 10 Argentinians believe that it is important to promote natural childbirth and raise awareness about the risks of caesarean section.
- Natural childbirth is associated with a better recovery of the mother, and is seen as a method that favors the connection between mother and child and breastfeeding.
- Caesarean section is seen as a life-saving operation, although the idea that it is sometimes performed without medical necessity in Argentina is predominant.
- There are divided opinions about what is best for the baby: 39% believe that being born by caesarean section or natural birth is the same for the baby, while 42% believe the opposite.