Study on Corporate Social Responsibility

Most of the population demands the government to regulate the social activity of companies.
For more than two decades, the Voices! team has been studying consumers' expectations of companies and their role in society. This research was conducted together with Globescan and includes results representative of the adult population in Argentina and 25 countries.
Some findings of the study:
- Argentinians show a low level of confidence in the national and transnational companies operating in the country.
- Companies are low rated by Argentinians in terms of their honesty and transparency, support for social causes and their responsibility towards the environment.
- In this context, citizens are increasingly demanding governments to regulate the social activity of companies, forcing them to comply with certain standards through the adoption of specific legislation on the subject.
- Although there is a prevailing mistrust among consumers regarding the information provided by companies on their actions in the area of social and environmental responsibility, there is significant interest in knowing what companies are doing in this field.