The role of technology and the concern for online data sharing

In a context in which technology has a high importance in people's lives, the concern about sharing personal information online is increasing, both globally and in Argentina. We can also notice a greater awareness of what happens to personal data once it is shared on the Internet, although the level of declared lack of knowledge is still high. The study also shows a high incidence of various misuses of personal data.
On World Internet Day, we share the report on the role of technology in our lives and the privacy of digitally shared data, from the WIN and VOICES Annual Global Survey, conducted in 39 countries, including Argentina. The study has comparative data from previous editions.
Some data from Argentina:
- Nearly half of the population (46%) indicates that they are concerned about sharing their personal information digitally, a percentage that grows 6 points from the previous edition in 2020.
- In Argentina, there is an increase in the number of people who say they know what happens to the information they shared online, growing from 22% in 2019 to 34% in this new edition of the study.
- Eight out of 10 Argentines indicate that technology is important in their lives, which grows among men, in those over 65 years old, at higher educational level and in Buenos Aires.
- The majority of Argentines, 7 out of 10, say they have suffered some kind of online misuse or attack, with Spam standing out, reported by half of the population.