Argentines' views on poverty

The study Argentines' Views on Poverty ("La pobreza en los ojos de los argentinos") carried out by Voices! was published within the framework of the project Invisible Networks (Redes Invisibles) of La Nación Foundation. The results show that prejudices are deeply rooted in society: 77% of those interviewed acknowledge that the poor are discriminated by the population.
Articles published in La Nación about the research:
Prejuicios. Miedo, hambre, villa y culpa: así definen los argentinos a los pobres, La Nación
De trabajar en los ladrillos y en la cosecha a recibirse de enfermera, La Nación
¿Cómo derribar mitos y modificar creencias?, La Nación
Redes Invisibles ¿A quién estás ayudando a salir de la pobreza?, La Nación
El miedo recurrente a los pobres, La Nación
Main prejudices towards poor people:
- Six out of 10 Argentines agree that "The majority of poor young people consume drugs and alcohol excessively and are violent".
- Five out of 10 agree that "The poor tend to have more children to collect more social plans" and that "Poor children prefer to be on the street rather than at school".
- Four out of 10 agree that "Most delinquents are poor".
- Three out of 10 agree that "Most of the poor are immigrants from neighboring countries".
- One in 10 agree with the phrase "I have a bad opinion of poor people".