Constanza Cilley in Management 2030 of La Nación

Constanza Cilley, Executive Director, participated in the second chapter of La Nación's Management 2030 "New working habits and connectivity transformed the organisational world" hosted by José del Río. She commented some of the results of our latest studies.
- There is a big change in the perception regarding other people. The pandemic forced us to put ourselves in other people's shoes and this led to many more cases and much more empathy and solidarity. Last year was an all-time high for volunteering: 35% said they had done volunteer work in the last 12 months.
- A third of the people working in Argentina were able to do remote work in the pandemic.
- 7 out of 10 Argentines were not able to reconfigure their work to remote work. There is the impossibility of continuing to work in this way and there is also a huge gap in education.