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Marita Carballo, President of Voices, was elected Vice-President of the World Values Survey Association, and will form the new Executive Committee of the association.
Marita commented: "It is a great honour to have been elected; I consider the WVS to be the largest global project in the Social Sciences, in which I’ve been involved in since 1983".
Marita is Past President and member of the Executive Council of WAPOR, Eisenhower Fellow, Councilor of the CES (Economic and Social Council), part of the Executive Committee of CARI (Argentine Council for International Relations), Academician of the National Academy of Education and of the National Academy of Moral and Political Sciences, institution she chaired from 2017 to 2021.
Congratulations Marita and all the members elected:
Haerpfer Christian, President of the WVSA, Research Professor of Political Science at the Universität Wien, Austria
Christian Welzel, Vice-President of the WVSA, Professor at Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, Germany
Pippa Norris, Vice-President of the WVSA, Professor of Government and International Relations, Harvard University, USA
Alejandro Moreno Álvarez, Treasurer of the WVSA, Professor of Political Science, Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México, Mexico City, Mexico
Bi Puranen, Secretary-General at the WVSA Legal Seat, Associate Professor of Economic History, Institute for Future Studies, Sweden
Marta Lagos, WVSA EC Member at Large, Director of Corporacion Latinobarómetro, Chile
Juan Diez-Nicolas, WVSA EC Member at Large, Director of the Chair for Social Development, Universidad Camilo José Cela, WVS Spain, Madrid, Spain
Roberto Foa, WVSA EC Member at Large, Assistant Professor in Politics and Public Policy, University of Cambridge, UK
Fares Braizat, WVSA EC Member at Large, Chairman at NAMA - Strategic Intelligence Solutions, Amman, Jordan
Grace Lee, WVSA EC Member at Large, Associate Professor of Economics, Monash University Malaysia, Malaysia
Jaime Díez Medrano, Director of the WVSA Data Archive, Madrid, Spain