Presentation of the report "Effects of the economic situation on children and adolescents in Argentina" by Unicef Argentina

On March 27, 2019, the report Effects of the Economic Situation on Children and Adolescents in Argentina. A qualitative approximation was published by UNICEF Argentina.
Voices! collaborated with Unicef by carrying out research and field work.
The document, which makes children's voices visible so that they can be considered in decision-making, provides a qualitative and ethnographic exploratory analysis to understand the effects of the current economic situation on children and adolescents living in poverty, based on their perceptions, family members and community leaders perceptions.
It was investigated about the changes during last year in the living conditions of households (second semester 2017 against second semester 2018), associated with the economic situation in Nutrition, Health, Education, Economic Welfare, Social Protection and Special Protection.