Private sector and the rights of children and adolescents in Argentina

The study "Private sector and the rights of children and adolescents in Argentina" is now available. UNICEF conducted a study on the policies and practices of companies that have an impact on children and adolescents, in which Voices! collaborated with research and fieldwork, surveying 710 companies.
The study answers questions such as: How many days of maternity and paternity leave do companies provide? Do they promote youth employment? Do they communicate responsibly? Do they invest in children?
Some findings of the study:
- 14% of companies incorporate children's rights in their corporate policies.
- 8% of companies do not comply with the 90 days of maternity leave established by law.
- 42% of companies offer for paternity leave more than the 2 days established by law.
- 32% of companies do not offer the reduction in hours for breastfeeding required by law.
- 95% of companies do not provide access to child care spaces.
- Only 2 out of 10 companies know their suppliers comply with child labour legislation
- 35% of companies offer job opportunities to young people in vulnerable situations.
- Only 17% of companies whose products or services are consumed by children and adolescents comply with any specific regulations on children's rights.
- 47% of companies that target children and adolescents do not have policies that guarantee responsible marketing.
- 35% of the companies support initiatives with the community for the benefit of children and adolescents.
- Companies have different levels of commitment to the rights of children and adolescents: 21% high, 49% medium, 30% low.