Manuel Hermelo
Public Opinion Director
Manuel is Public Opinion Director of Voices! since its foundation in 2012, and before he held the same position at TNS Gallup where he worked for 30 years. He has participated in a number of research projects, covering a very broad spectrum of sociological issues throughout the recent democratic period in Argentina. In recent years he has specialized in studies of behavioral change/ social marketing such as road safety, consumption of psychoactive substances, diseases, healthy habits, etc. He was responsible for the design and implementation of most of the social and political studies at TNS Gallup and designed the General Economic Expectations Index (IGEE). He has extensive research experience in both national and international studies. He has directed major international projects for multilateral agencies, particularly the World Bank.
Manuel got his sociology degree at the Catholic University of Argentina and did postgraduate studies at the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). He has served as a Professor of Political Science at the Master of Sociology and he currently dictates Applied Social Research seminars at UADE (Universidad Argentina de la Empresa). He has published papers and articles on various social and political topics, and is a regular participant in conferences and professional seminars. He is a member of WAPOR and belongs to the founding members of WAPOR Latin America, Buenos Aires headquarters.
Publications: Religion in the World: the State of Affairs. Voice of the People (w/M. Carballo) 2015. Research about consumption of psychoactive substances, associated risk and protection factors. (w/ C. Cilley). Cathlic University of Argentina ODSA (2015). Latin America: Governability in a growth context (w/B Corrales), Emecé, Buenos Aires, 2009. Survey of Social Corporative Responsibility (w/ Gabriel Berger and Ezequiel Reficco), Social Sector Forum, 2005. Volunteer Work: A Message of Hope. Voice of the People (2006)’. Gallup International 2006, w/ C. Cilley.
Latest papers: Public Opinion, Leading or lagging indicator?: an analysis of end of the year polls Netactivism in Argentina (WAPOR 68th Annual Conference Buenos Aires 2015) . Social and Political Networks (Chile, Wapor 2014) Social Marketing: Market Research role in Social Communication The Argentine Advertising Council (2012). Approach to Behaviour Change and Social Marketing. Buenos Aires, Saimo 2011// Argentines and Uruguayans’ opinion about the conflict over the bins / cellulose plants |IV WAPOR Public Opinion Latin American Congress Belo Horizonte – Brazil 2011// Inequalities and Political uses of Internet| IV WAPOR Public Opinion Latin American Congress Belo Horizonte – Brazil 2011// CRS trends in Latin America. Querétaro. México.2010 // Society’s vision on Corporate Social Responsibility, AmCham, 2010. //Argentina and global crisis. WAPOR Lima, Peru 2009// Governance and Public Opinion in Latin America. Ministry of the Presidency of the Government of Bolivia. International Workshop: "Exchange of Experiences on Observation, Follow-up and Evaluation of Public Management" La Paz May 2008// New social trends and childhood: family, consumption and identity. November 2007. “Seminar about Cultural Diversity, Childhood and Youth, Ministry of Culture, Government of the City of Buenos Aires. November 2007.// Evolution and perspectives of CSR; Academic Working Day LCM 2007 “Supply Chain & Logistics”, Argentine Chamber of Commerce, November 2007.// Governability Evolution in Latin America. WAPOR. First Latin America Public Opinion Congress. Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay, April 2007. //Argentina: crisis and recovery. CIMA Conference Iberoamerican Barometer of Governability . Bogota, Colombia.//“Democracy in Argentina Evolution and perspectives before and after the 2001-2002 crisis”, 59th Gallup International Association Conference. Buenos Aires, 2006.