Children's Health and Vaccination

Practically all Argentines with children under 15 years of age (98%) claim to always comply with the official annual vaccination schedule.
The Social Research Centre (CIS) UADE VOICES! conducted a new nationwide public opinionstudy to understand the perceptions, opinions and practices of Argentines on health and vaccines. First, the study addressed the frequency of vaccination in terms of the official annual calendar and the willingness of parents to have their children receive all the corresponding vaccines. Second, it assessed the level of information that Argentines have regarding vaccines and the level of trust that they assign to the main reference institutions when requesting information on this issue. Finally, as a result of the media popularity that the "anti-vaccine movement" acquired during 2019, it was also investigated the level of agreement or disagreement with different statements in favor and against vaccination.
Some findings of the study:
- Despite some objections regarding vaccines and their usefulness, all Argentines want their children to have all available vaccines.
- Four out of ten Argentines have little or no information on the subject of vaccines.
- The population mainly respects the doctor's opinion when they need information on vaccines.
- One in four people say that it is better for children to develop immunity from getting sick than from receiving a vaccine.