Discomfort, worry and negative states of mind

The pandemic has led to a deterioration in the state of mind of the population, being the youngest segment and women the ones who show the worst levels.
The Social Research Centre (CIS) UADE VOICES! conducted a new national public opinion study that investigate how often different emotional states are considered by Argentines over the last time as negative, among them tiredness, listlessness, loneliness, or depression. The data are analyzed according to sociodemographic profiles and the report also includes trend data.
Some findings of the study:
- Negative state of mind and feelings have increased during the last year and have doubled or even tripled compared to records from six years ago.
- Women and young people turned out to be the groups most affected by negative feelings and states of mind.
The fieldwork was carried out in the first fortnight of June 2021 based on online surveys complemented with telephone surveys to achieve adequate coverage of all socioeconomic sectors throughout the country, reaching a total of 1,306 surveys of people aged 16 years and older.