National Survey about Breast Cancer

National Survey about Breast Cancer

4 out of 10 women over 40 years old do not have mammograms yearly.

Research conducted by VOICES! for FundaciĆ³n AVON that measures the knowledge of the Argentinian population about breast cancer and its early detection methods.

Some findings of the study:

  • Breast cancer is a disease that is installed in public opinion and generates concern.
  • In spite of this, 2 out of every 10 women over 40 years old state that they have never had a mammogram.
  • 3 out of 10 do not visit the gynaecologist at least once a year, the equivalent of 4,600,000 Argentine women.
  • 4 out of 10 Argentininian women, 6,230,000, state that the gynaecologist does not check their breasts once a year.
  • The most vulnerable are women in the countryside and of low socioeconomic levels.
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