Opinions about remote work in Argentina

“Telecommuting”: 1 out of 10 Argentinians works from home. There is a very positive valuation on this labor modality, mainly because of the benefits that provides to the worker's personal life.
The Social Research Centre (CIS) UADE – Voices! carried out a public opinion study at a national level with the aim of exploring the views of the population in relation to telecommuting as an emerging phenomenon in modern and hyper-connected societies.
Some findings of the study:
- 89% of those who work from home declare that they improve their quality of life.
- 86% assure that Telecommuting allows them to dedicate more time to their objectives and work tasks. Another 8 out of 10 consider that it improves the quality of work and 7 out of 10 consider that working from home allows them to disperse less / focus better on the task (70%).
- Regarding personal benefits, comfort/being comfortable (41%) stands out first, followed by spending more time with the family and having flexible working hours (30% in both cases) and saving time (27%).
- Three quarters of Argentinians would accept working from distance (76%).
- Half of the population states that working from home improves the relationship between work and personal life (50%), against only 9% of those interviewed who state that it worsens, and another 3 out of 10 who believe it has no impact in this regard.