What people really think about their health

The vast majority of people (76%) around the world believe that they are healthy. Only 4% believe that they are unhealthy, although 19% believe that they are somewhat unhealthy.
WIN, the world’s leading association in market research and polling, has published the results of the last survey about health for the World Health Day 2019. The study explores the views and beliefs of 30,890 people from 40 countries across the globe. It was conducted by Voices! in Argentina.
Some findings from the study:
- In line with the world average, 86% of Argentinians consider themselves healthy, even though just a quarter describes themselves as very healthy.
- 4 out of 10 Argentinians declare having problems to sleep.
- Almost 3 out of 10 Argentinians consider their weight isn’t healthy.
- 4 out of 10 Argentinians never or almost never practice physical exercises.
- 84% of Argentinians admit they suffer from stress. Those that suffer the most are women and the middle- aged.
- Argentinians practice less mindfulness techniques than the world average.