World Health Day Global Survey by WIN and Voices!

Most of the world's population perceives itself as healthy, although one third of it declares that it does not sleep well frequently or suffers from stress. In Argentina, poor sleep and stress levels are on the rise, and alcohol consumption continues to increase.
On World Health Day celebrated on April 7, Voices! and its international network WIN published the results of the Health and Healthy Habits Report from the annual Global Survey conducted in 39 countries. The survey analyzes self-perceived health status and the performance of habits such as eating well, exercise, sleep, stress, smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.
Some findings of the study:
- 80% of Argentine respondents positively evaluate their own health.
- In Argentina, 56% of the population indicates that they eat healthily very frequently or regularly.
- Four out of 10 Argentines say they exercise frequently, while a third say they never or almost never do so.
- In Argentina, there is a drop in those who report sleeping well frequently (from 74% in 2020 to 56% in this new edition of the study).
- There is an increase in the declaration of stress, positioning the country among those with the highest levels of stress, with women and young people being the ones who report the highest levels of it.
- The declared tobacco consumption has a downward trend after the rise recorded in 2020 (18% in 2019, 23% in 2020 and 20% in 2021).
- In our country, alcohol consumption seems to follow an upward trend (9% in 2019, 13% in 2020, 15% in 2021).